“I Dare You To Disappear For 6 Months!”


March 30th, 2023

Life doesn’t get any easier. It doesn’t get anymore forgiving. We just get stronger and we get more resilient. Enthusiasm is common but endurance is rare. The race is not given to the strong or the swift but it is given to he that endureth until the end. 

We’ve all been hit with a measure of adversity at some point in our life. Everybody reading this has been hit with a measure of trauma. Everybody wants destiny, everybody wants manifestation, everybody wants fulfillment, everybody wants the ‘next level’, the relationship and a higher quality of living. But, nobody wants to eliminate distractions. Nobody wants to disappear for three months, four months, six months and eliminate all distractions and get into a place where you can focus on just YOU. 

What if you could just shut out every distraction? What if you could just shut off the world for just a season and focus on you? 

A person is rewarded in public for what they do in private. The reason why you don’t see it, the reason why it has not manifested, the reason why you are so frustrated is because you have not been willing to forsake all that you’ve been called to forsake and to follow through behind closed doors. 

Sure, you can talk about it, you can plan it, you can write it down, you can go to a conference and hear about it but at some juncture, you have to disappear and put the work in and come back and shock everybody that doubted you. 

Some of you don’t even realize that you have unfinished business. You need to go back where you left off with a new perspective. Go back to the gym.  Go back to the drawing board. Go back to the business. Go back to the relationship. Go back to the burning building. You have unfinished business. All you gotta do is show up with a new game plan and a new perspective. You got to finish business. 

You got work to do. What happens when your perspective, your perception diametrically opposes your reality? If you are going to give and grow and evolve and attain and become, everything will rise and fall on your viewpoint. 




How you see this thing is everything. You cannot change the past but you can change your perspective about it. Your viewpoint is your advantage. Your viewpoint is what changes the game. Everybody wants an increase in abundance and lifestyle change and new zip codes and new area codes but you only read once a week and you only work out once or twice a month. The reason why you don’t have what it is that you seek, the reason why what’s in your head is not in your hands, is because your perspective opposes your potential. You don’t have it because you don’t see the value in it. If you believe that you have been called to be the difference maker, the game changer, the disrupter, the person that comes into a room and commands the atmosphere, the person who is necessary and not grossly irrelevant then everything you do, everything you see, everything rises and falls on your perspective, your perception, your viewpoint. 

How do you see this thing?

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Related Links:

“I Dare You To Disappear For 6 Months!” – Powerful Motivational Video for Success 

Blogpost: How To Not Give Up And Stay Motivated!

Spoken by Marcus Taylor


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